Images and names of content we promote, discuss, review or report are property of their respective owners. All content is property of unless otherwise stated. Scified is an entertainment media network covering the latest news on the most popular, upcoming science fiction movies, games and television.
If you have any questions about this site, its content or the Scified Network in general, feel free to contact Scified directly. This is a fan-created website for the purpose of informing and exciting fans for Alien: Covenant's release. Alien: Covenant, Prometheus and its associated names, logos and images are property of 20th Century Fox and are in no way owned by Scified and its related entities.
Images used are property of their respective owners. This site is an extension of the Alien & Predator Fandom on Scified - a central hub for fans of Alien and Prometheus looking to stay up-to-date on the latest news. Providing the latest official and accurate information on Alien: Covenant, this website contains links to every set video, viral video, commercial, trailer, poster, movie still and screenshot available.
is an information resource for film enthusiasts looking to learn more about the upcoming blockbuster Alien: Covenant. Alien fans looking to know more about Alien: Covenant should check back often. Alien: Covenant is a sequel to 2012's Prometheus as well as a prequel to 1979's ALIEN.